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The Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) in Townsville is unique in Queensland.

The SART is made up of sexual assault support workers, specialist detectives, hospital staff and clinical forensic medical staff. This is a holistic response to provide immediate support and access to appropriate services following sexual assault.

The Sexual Assault Support Service is available to contact during business hours

If you have concerns for your immediate safety, or that of another individual.

Immediate support 24/7 from Specialist Detectives of the Queensland Police Service

If you are harmed or injured go to Townsville University Hospital

The Police

Do I have to report it to the police?

You do not have to report the crime to police. Townsville Sexual Assault Support Service can provide you with information about your rights and choices to help you decide whether to report the sexual assault to police. You can also be provided with support during and following reporting sexual assault to police.

Townsville University Hospital

If you present to the Emergency Department, SART will be contacted to support you. You can speak to a doctor about any injuries or medical concerns.

Forensic examination

The purpose of a forensic examination is to collect evidence and document any injuries which have occurred as a result of the sexual assault.

With your consent, police will arrange for you to see a forensic nurse examiner. Support is available to you throughout this process.

Townsville Sexual Assault Support Service

A specialist sexual assault support worker will provide victim focused care, support and information to you.

Whether you choose to report to police or be seen by a forensic nurse examiner, or not, you will be able to access free, confidential ongoing specialist sexual assault counselling and support.

At all stages of the SART process, your rights as a victim of crime will be met and you will be treated with dignity and respect. High quality care, making informed choices and empowerment are the foundations for support and recovery from trauma.

Victim Assist Queensland

A victim of crime is defined under the Victims of Crime Assistance Act 2009 as anyone who has been injured by an act of violence committed against them in Queensland (s27).

Help and financial assistance may be available for primary victims of an act of violence, and others, who may be the parents of child victims or witnesses to a violent crime.

An injury may include physical, psychological or emotional injury or adverse impacts resulting from sexual offences or domestic and family violence.

A victim of crime may be eligible to receive financial assistance from Victim Assist Queensland to help in the recovery from the act of violence. 

For further information see

Sexual Health Service

This service is free and confidential. If you have been sexually assaulted, you should consider having a sexual health  check for pregnancy prevention and sexually transmitted infection.