Feedback & Complaints


The Sexual Assault Support Service encourages feedback from women and stakeholders accessing the service.

Feedback can be provided by individual women or stakeholders on their initiative or in response to requests received from the Sexual Assault Support Service by the founding organisation NQCWS Inc.

NQCWS Inc. shall endeavor to make it easy as possible for women to provide feedback and ensure the anonymity of people who do, unless they agree otherwise.

Feedback initiated by women or stakeholders is encouraged by:

Feedback will be sought from women and stakeholders by:

NQCWS Inc. shall keep comprehensive, clear and useful records of all feedback received from women and stakeholders. Information arising from this feedback will be assessed, compiled and utilised in planning of services and included in the Continuous Improvement Plan.


NQCWS Inc. wants to ensure women accessing the services feel able to voice their dissatisfaction with any aspect of the service, and to be confident that NQCWS Inc. will manage their complaints professionally and respond quickly and appropriately. All women shall be informed of their rights and the Complaints Policy and Procedure at the earliest possible stage of their involvement with NQCWS Inc.

How to make a complaint

Please click here to see the Complaints Policy and Procedure. All complaints will be treated in a confidential manner, and can be submitted on the following form.

As appropriate the complaint may be referred to an external agency (such as the Queensland Police Service, Department of Justice & Attorney General and the Department of Housing and Public Works, or Office of Public Guardian).

Women accessing the Sexual Assault Support Service have the right to lodge their complaint directly with the Department of Justice & Attorney General, or Department of Housing and Public Works
or if the matter regards privacy to the Federal Privacy Commissioner.

However, women will be encouraged to explore options outlined above first.

Review and Appeals Process

If the woman is not satisfied with the investigation and proposed resolution of their complaint or appeal, they can seek a further review of the matter by:

We use information gathered from our complaints and appeals procedure to inform our decision making and planning processes Complaints will be taken into consideration to constructively modify and improve services and programs as part of the quality improvement system.